Sunday, August 30, 2009

Afta Semenya, IAAF itatest nyauthis in Berlin

As tha IAAF amuas kama Caster Semenya ni charlie, manzi au charlie-manzi, inasemekana IAAF pia itatest all nyauthiz pausing in Berlin. "Makarao have orders 2 nab all miros in tao," says Red Biro aka r.biro, IAAF chief invigilator. "Msijali, hazitakuwa tests sugu, basic 2."
Test ya fao will be geog. "Tutawai hawa wa-africa map ya world na itabidi wapoint pale berlin iko," r.biro xplains. He adds maexaminer wako na option of asking wasay 2 locate nchi zao kwa map. "Lakini sio important kama test ya fao."
Test ya mbe will involve manyauthi proving they lived in cagers be4 fikaing berlin. "Tutawapeleka nje ya cager fulani na one by one wataitwa ndani to show us not only burungu kama switch, TV, window, shower, bed, etc, but also their uses," r.biro maintains.
Since wadhii nje ya continent hudhani in africa we ride lions, elephants na wanyama wengine, identifying ndai itakuwa janta ya tatu. "Tutawashow picha alafu they have 2 show us tyres, boot, engine, tenje, clutch and so on," r.biro sez. He adds dat kulikuwa na mpango ya kurent ndai 4 practicals, lakini campu za insurance zikadinda na cover 'coz this mass scale experiment has never been tried be4.'
4th, nyauthiz itabidi waprove their knowledge n experience in using ganji. "Tutawapeleka supermarket fulani tao where we will swing em shopping lists," r.biro xplains. "Lengo letu ni kuona kama wanaweza anza safari from tha shelf hadi cashier bila blunders."
Finally, nyauthiz will have 2 prove they weren't ng'araing in skinz n blankets kabla washoot berlin. "Itabidi watambue not only burungu kama njumu, skirt, long'i, socks, etc" r.biro sez, "but vile hizo huvaliwa."
R.biro confirms dat final results hazita affect visa status ya wale watagwara. "Wasijali, tutawapeleka beginner classes na doe zetu," he sez. But anaonya hizi tests mite be conducted in future on nyauthiz intending 2 visit not just berlin, but otha parts of europe, stato, asia na uarabuni.

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