Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gova lets bachelors uza bond

Bachelors who had sarayed storo of marriage coz of msoto now have a chance to badilisha their marital statuses on their CVs after gova angukiad for their marriage bond mpango on Friday.
A jazzed Sinyear Barchela, mdosi of the pressure group bachelors bila doe (bbd), could not chill after he got the mzuri 411 from the wizara ya ganji which had flashed him and he had 2 buzz them. "Manze on behalf of mabachelor wote and on my own behalf, natoa shukran 2 gova 4 realising that the infrastructure bond njaro that bambad mainvestor sana majuzi can also be cloned to sekta zingine za uchumi kama ndoa," said Sinyear, aged 392/3.
Bbd was anzishwad kedo 3 yrs ago 2 tetea haki za mabachelor msoto who are always being chujwad by haters such as folks, wadosis, relas, mabeste, etc who don't amini that a jamaa needs mukwanja ndio afanye ndoa."Huskii hii bond itatuma mahaters wote 2 elewa that our members all along takad to oa, but msoto forced them to kill that vibe and instead lead maisha ya commitment phobia, kuwasha kila weekend na kubeba ma takeaway," he ongezad.
Bbd is 1 ngo that doesn't dowea donor chumes. Its wanachama pay on time, its t-shirts kama 'najivunia kuwa bachelor' always sell out in gikosh and its annual bachelors pride parade walks from tao to kamukunji attract mafans wengi including karao.
According to the min. of chapaa website chini ya the 'breaking news' icon, "the tuwezeshe mabachelor wamarry bond will assist wallet challenged jamaas in relationships penya the 'i want a commitment' stage coz our utafiti shows this is the corner most relationships sambaratika."
The bond lands on Apr 1 and its lengo is to kwachu kitu 20.3m to be shared katikati ya bbd's 222 members. Mo 411 and application forms are available at all bars that show premier league, vinyozi stima, stag party venues and
As to the terms and conditions that apply in marriage such as buzzing wifey when joboing late, Sinyear semad, "bbd haina beef with that reality coz sisi wote tunataka kusettle down na kuitwa baba so and so kabla 2030."


  1. chief,
    i propose we change the website to

  2. Now i have hopes of getting married by 2030. Can i apply for the jamaa in question ndio awache kunipatia excuses dake?
